Monday, March 15, 2010

Car Rental Companies Charging More Fees

In this fine piece of reporting, we discover that car rental companies are automatically charging customers for roadside assistance and insurance packages they never knew they were agreeing to.

To quote an already over-used phrase: No shit, Sherlock.

So, let's see what we've learned here:
1) People don't want to pay for shit they don't need;
2) Car companies need money so they are trying to screw us all; and
3) People need to read what they are signing.

So, basically, this is NOT EFFING NEWS because a) it's not new, and b) it's not noteworthy, and c) if you are too dumb to read your contract, you shouldn't be operating a lethal weapon, like, say A CAR.

1 comment:


    this website reminded me of this site.
