Thursday, March 4, 2010

Arizona Closing Rest Stops

It seems the state of Arizona is closing rest stops and residents don't like it.

This, according to the New York Times, is "US News."  It is, indeed, something taking place in the US.  I'm not sure it's not more appropriate for the local news in, um, ARIZONA.  You know, where the people care about how many places there are to pee between Phoenix and, ah...what's another city in Arizona?

To say this isn't national news should go without saying, but since it must be said, here we go:

Hey, NY Times! This is NOT EFFING NEWS.  Sure as hell isn't to people who don't live in, or drive through, Arizona.  And maybe not even to them.

1 comment:

  1. Tucson. Tucson is another city in AZ. I am sad you forgot me already :(
    And: I just saw a closed reststop yesterday.
    But: I don't care either and ditto on your blogname.
